Divorce – helpful information on separation
Divorce and Separation can be difficult.
It might help to be prepared, so we have outlined some suggestions which you may like to bear in mind:
- Remember that although you may no longer be together, you will always both be the child(ren)’s parents, so put your child(ren) first.
- Keep the door open to dialogue.
- Although there may now be no love between you, stay polite.
- Be aware of the positive benefits that Counselling can provide in helping you cope with your changing relationship with your partner.
- Be ready to compromise – an agreement between you is more likely to work than an order imposed by the Court.
- Do not tolerate threats or violence. Ask your Solicitor how the law can help protect you.
- Do not sign or agree to anything without speaking with your Solicitor first.
- Do not let your partner undermine any of the confidence you have in your Solicitor.
- Do not expect the best of your partner, or of yourself – aspire to reasonableness.
- Do not leave any confidential documents where they can be found.
Even the most emotionally draining separations or divorces have to come to an end at some point.
Some separations or divorces even result in couples reconciling their differences.
Whatever your decision is, i.e., to continue with a separation, divorce or reconciliation, we are here to help you through this difficult time in your life.
Remember that we are here to act on your behalf. We are not here to tell you what to do – that has to be your decision.
We will give you the advice that is appropriate to your particular family circumstances, and will guide you through all necessary steps to achieve an end result for you.
We understand that Divorce and Separation can be difficult.
We are here to help and assist you through this most difficult time.
We will always give you the best legal advice, even though sometimes it is not always what you want to hear.
Mediation can often help with difficult situations and it will probably be the case that you will be referred to mediation at some point in the proceedings.
Counselling may also be of assistance to you. Speak to your doctor in the first instance, who may be able to refer you to a counsellor or other organisation that can help you.
If you have any questions or need any further advice, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you.